Monday, 20 April 2009

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

OUTSTANDING!!!!!! How the hell???!!!

PCD new song. Excellent!

Such a quality song, amazing video and from an unbelievable film! Enjoy it! This is for my GREAT friend Steph whose birthday is on the 23rd! So happy birthday love! XXX

Ghost on CCTV - Look really closely!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Hi everyone!

Hope you all have a great easter! Request Lunch shall resume Monday April 20th at 1pm! Also, keep look out for BIG CHANGES at Smuc Radio. Log on to

Love to you all. Get me an EGG!!!

9/11 200-fun!

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Wow! Gay people can achieve sooo much!

Says it all don't it? Bet she's Republican!

Fart on News!

Ha. She didn't know what to do!

Swearing Live on Loose Women

Joan Rivers is such a LEDGE!


Very funny, and not as cringey as the previously added video!

Not for the faint hearted. OUCH!!!

WARNING: Viewer Discretion is advised...

Oh my fuckin' God. I don't really know why I'm putting this up. It's extreme...
What fucking idiots! If I were there I'd probably try to smack them!

Eamonns Warnings...

Eamonn (SMUC Radio station manager) has being going crazy reminding us of what we can't say on the radio. DAMN CENSORSHIP!!! 


Tune into Smuc Radio this Friday @ 11.30 to hear Dobsy 'would-you-jump-in-my-grave-as-fast' Higgins fill in for Dave Hayes on Request Lunch. No better replacement for Dave seeing as though Dobsy seems to actually know what he's doing. The wannabe Rude-boi shall be joined by TC seen in these more than flattering pics of the duo on their frequent drunken outings. Log on to to listen and get in touch!

Tree-mendous fun!

This is a stupid and random picture clearly. You peeps are gonna think its wella wierd. But it's here for my great friend Gemma who is an avid listener to request lunch! ;) Hope you're well love. xxxx

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace et Moi!

Here is Aisleyne and I recently during her visit to SMUC Radio. Very Exciting. Shoulders back, chest out! Haha...